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Aquatic Animal Inspection Division

Public services: 

  • Provide inspection of serum antibodies for major infectious diseases of livestock and poultry.
  • Provide inspection and counseling service on aquatic diseases to breeders of aquatic animals.
  • Provide counseling on how to inspect and manage the water quality of the breeding ponds.
  • Conduct on-site inspection service at Beimen Centers.
    Beimen Aquatic Animal Disease Control Center: No.1-186, Haipu, Beimen Dist., Tainan City 727008
    Office hours: 09:00am to 12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
  • Aquatic Animal Mobile Clinic:
    Tucheng Station:Chengxi Community Center(No.431, Sec. 3, Chengxi St., Annan Dist., Tainan City 709016)|Office hours: 09:00am to 12:00pm on Mondays
    Sicao Station:Sicao Community Center (No.656, Dajhong Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 709035)|Office hours: 09:00am to 12:00pm on Wednesdays 
  • Offer inspection for critical viral diseases for groupers.
  • Collect all related information for aquatic animal diseases in order to provide up-to-date knowledge to the aquatic animal farmers.
  • Inspect for aquatic animal and livestock diseases.
  • Monitor serum antibodies for livestock epidemic diseases.
  • Provide disease surveillance and sampling on the exported aquatic animals.
  • Conduct water quality inspection of fish farms.
  • Host workshops to promote preventive measures of aquatic animal diseases.
  • Provide pathology tests of animal diseases including:
  1. Pathology tests: autopsy and macroscopic examination of pathological lesions.
  2. Clinical pathology examination: blood smear, intestinal tablet, smear production and interpretation.
  3. Histopathological examination: tissue sections preparation and interpretation.
  4. Microbiological examination: Isolation and identification of microorganisms and drug susceptibility testing.
  5. Molecular biology test: 65 kinds of pathogens have been detected. There is a total of 83 test items.